What was 2024 but a year of digital theatre? 2023 marked my first year doing a show at Edinburgh Fringe (very exciting!!!) and many other smaller opportunities.

Feb 2023 - operating shows at NZ Fringe.

Feb 2023 - Feb 2024 - Your Body is a Wasteland - creator. (NZ Fringe, Edinburgh Fringe, Brighton Fringe, Melbourne Fringe, DAFT 2023).

Oct 2023 - NZ Improv Festival - Marketing Director.

Nov 2023 - Feb 2024 - Marc & Marisha Time Travel Wellington! - creator. (Wellington Heritage Festival, NZ Fringe).


In a year of COVID cancellations and confusion, 2022 brought up a surprising amount of opportunities in the digital world!

  • Feb 2022 - Now Face the World - actor, publicity work, choregraphy. (NZ Fringe, Wellington)

  • Feb 2022 - Feb 2023 - Shift Your Paradigm - producer, publicist (Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin)

  • Feb 2022 - July 2022 - ROUGH NIGHT - actor, writer, director (NZ Fringe, Dunedin Fringe, Brighton Fringe)

  • July 2022 - Dying Swanologues - publicist, stage manager, operator (BATS Theatre, Wellington)

  • August 2022 - Feb 2023 - THANK YOU TO ALL MY VOYEURS - actor, writer, director (Auckland Fringe, Whangarei Fringe, Melbourne Fringe & NZ Fringe).


2021 was a year of negotiating COVID restrictions and thinking on the fly. I broke my ankle in February, which meant that I did my show DETECTED! entirely on crutches, and spent most of the year recovering while contributing what I could to the theatrical community.

  • Feb 2021 - DETECTED! - actor, director (NZ Fringe, Wellington)

  • Feb 2021 - A Study of Bad Accents - publicist, performance support (NZ Fringe, Wellington)

  • Feb 2021 - A Musical Comedy Show - publicist (NZ Fringe, Wellington)

  • Feb 2021 - Uke Can Do It! - publicist (NZ Fringe, Wellington)

  • Oct 2021 - communications and marketing manager, New Zealand Improv Festival

  • Dec 2021 - Illegally Blind - sound designer, operator (BATS Theatre, Wellington)


I approached 2020 ready to strive out into the theatre world on my first full year out of academia, but COVID pushed my thinking about a bit. Digital performance became my focus for a while, as well as events that could easily be held under Red.

  • Feb 2020 - Declarations of Love - sound designer, producer (Te Auaha, Wellington)

  • March 2020 - Wash Your Mouth Out - writer, editor, performer (Shoestring Film Competition, digital)

  • April 2020 - LIVE FROM YOUR KITCHEN!! - writer (Centrepoint Theatre, Palmerston North)

  • May 2020 - Fairleigh Goode and the Theft of the Great Green Jewel - director, editor (Digital)

  • Sept 2020 - Rejected :( Script Series - co-director, creator (Circus Bar, Wellington)

  • Oct 2020 - The New Zealand Improv Festival - publicist (BATS Theatre, Wellington)



Starting the year off with my MFA show, and heading out through Fringe, 2019 was an eclectic year, working across many venues in Wellington and Auckland.

  • Feb 2019 - Why Are We Still Here? director, writer, choreographer (BATS Theatre, Wellington)

  • March 2019 - Yesterday in Space - co-writer, sound designer (Gryphon Theatre, Wellington)

  • May 2019 - The Duck Who Loved Me - publicist (BATS Theatre, Wellington)

  • May 2019 - POWER - co-publicist (BATS Theatre, Wellington & Basement Theatre, Auckland)

  • June 2019 - Peggy Pickit Sees the Face of God (Circa Theatre, Wellington)

  • Oct 2019 - The New Zealand Improv Festival - Festival Assistant (BATS Theatre, Wellington)

  • Oct 2019 - Two Bros* - director, co-writer (S&Ms Bar, Wellington)